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The Passport Place


Our office ONLY takes appointments. 前往“预约”部分了解更多信息.

如果名额因取消而开放,我们接受预约. So, 请致电(916)278-7940,看看我们是否有空位在某一天进行免预约. Call between 9 to 4 PM during the weekdays.


California State University, Sacramento

Sacramento, CA 95819

International Programs & Global Engagement Office



Book an appointment

Before you book...


1. New applicants

2. Minors age 0-15 (new or renewal)

3. 成人续期(16岁以上)只适用于下列情况之一:

  • Your passport has been expired over 5 years
  • 您将从未成年人护照变为成人护照(有效期为5年的护照被视为未成年护照)。
  • 您以前的护照丢失或被盗(请在您的申请中包含DS-64或在线填写)或损坏或残缺.

所有其他续签必须直接邮寄到国家护照处理中心. See instructions below under Form DS-82.

目前,我们的预约只有1个月后才可以预约. 我们建议尽早预订,因为空位很快就会被填满,而且周六或周日通常都没有空位,除非有人取消预约.

Information about your appointment

Topic Details
Location? We are located in the 在萨克拉门托州立大学校园的图书馆大楼1001室(图书馆主入口对面). If you've never been to our office, 请给自己30分钟的时间来付款和找停车位, walk to our office and check-in. 萨克州立大学是一个很大的校园,从学生停车场步行到我们的办公室至少需要10-15分钟. 如果你迟到了,请给我们打电话或发邮件.
Parking? 我们建议在黄色的停车亭停车付费(停车2小时4美元,每天7美元)。. 申请人只可将车停在学生停车场(如校园地图所示). 学校的停车执法是独立于我们办公室的,所以请看这个 campus map to see where we're located and where to park.
Applicants All applicants must be present for the application process. This includes minors. No exceptions.
We DO NOT provide photo services 申请人有责任确保他们的照片符合护照照片的要求. Please see the requirements here. 如果你不确定去哪里拍照,可以搜索“我附近的护照照片服务”。 
We DO NOT take cash or card Please bring checks or money orders with you. 每个澳门博彩官网程序都需要自己的支票或汇票. 支付给萨克拉门托州立大学的费用可以合并成一张支票或汇票. Please visit the website for more information on fees, use the fee chart or send us an email at
Applications for children under 16 孩子出生证明上列出的所有父母必须在申请过程中在场(带有效照片的身份证件)并在孩子(ren)申请中签名. 如果父母一方不能来,可以提交一份公证 DS-3053 for the non-applying parent. 每次向16岁以下未成年人发放护照时,都需要得到父母的同意. 具有单独法律监护权的父母或父母已去世是例外,只要提交原始文件(1).e. original court order or death certificate). 
Children's behavior  我们要求父母照看他们的孩子,监督他们的行为. 如果你的孩子或孩子太爱捣乱,我们会要求他们和家人一起出去. 
Applications for 16 and 17 year olds 16岁或17岁的申请人如果持有政府签发的有效身份证件,可以在没有父母在场的情况下申请(建议使用父母的支票或列出的紧急联系人的父母的默示同意)。. 如果申请人没有有效的政府签发的身份证件, 申请人只能由一位家长陪同(须持政府签发的有效身份证件), 但申请人应携带学生证或任何形式的近期带照片的身份证件. 
Expedited Processing 如果您需要加急处理,请在支票或汇票中注明,抬头人为美国.S. Department of State (see the fee chart)
Damaged passport? If your passport is damaged, 除了一份公民身份证明外,你还需要带上损坏的护照. (请参阅所需文件部分查看可接受的公民身份证明). 
我的护照服务现在还没有 We are temperately not providing this service.
More information 办理护照的最终决定权交给美国移民局.S. Department of State. 我们核实身份并将文件邮寄给护照代理机构. 提交申请后:所有查询请发送至国家护照信息中心(NPIC) 1-877-487-2778. 一旦申请离开我们的设施,我们无法检查状态或协助处理. 
Questions?  If you have questions on the passport process, 请尽快发邮件给我们的办公室,以防止任何延误或并发症. Our email is 

Required Documents

Document needed Details
DS-11 Please bring the application with you. Applications must be typed or filled out in black ink. (see under Passport Forms for this document)
Original Citizenship Evidence 请带备下列文件之一:出生证明书正本或核证副本(and a photocopy) OR an Original Naturalization Certificate (and a photocopy) OR Previous U.S. passport book or card, in good condition.   *For under 18 years old, 您必须提交一份文件,列出申请护照的孩子的父母或法定监护人. e.g., birth certificate.
Valid Photo ID Government issued ID (and a photocopy - front and back)(如为未成年人,父母双方须携带有效身份证照片)
Passport photo Applicants must bring their own passport photo.  
1 check or money order (per application) made payable to the U.S. Department of State (see fee chart for price tier)
1 $35.00 check or money order (per application) made payable to Sacramento State (如有需要,每页影印本包括25美分)


Please bring at least two checks or two money orders with you, one payable to the U.S. 另一笔支付给萨克拉门托州立大学.

If you are submitting multiple applications, 国务院要求每份申请都提供单独的支票或汇票. 支付给萨克拉门托州立大学的费用可以合并成一张支票或汇票.

Please see the Department of State website for the fee chart.

我们提供复印服务,每页25美分. 这笔费用必须包含在萨克拉门托州立大学的学费中. We do not take cash or card.

Passport Forms

  • Form DS-11: Apply for a U.S. 护照簿或护照卡的第一次,或者如果你以前的美国.S. passport was issued more than 15 years ago.
  • Form DS-64: Report the loss or theft of a valid U.S. passport book or card.
  • Form DS-3053: 16岁以下未成年申请人须由未到场的家长填写.
  • Form DS-82: To renew an existing, 10-year passport
  • Form DS-5504: To request a name change, to correct data errors (typos), 或更换有效期有限的护照(如符合资格).

Not sure which form to complete? Use the Department of State Passport Wizard.